5 Facebook Marketing Tips for Multifamily

With over 300 million active users in the U.S. alone, Facebook has once again proven to be the most popular social platform and an absolute requisite channel for any successful multifamily marketing strategy. We have put together a list of 5 quick wins you can implement on your community’s Facebook page.
1. Optimize Your Existing Photos and Try Facebook 360 Photos
Visualization is a powerful tool, and allowing prospects to paint a vivid picture of themselves living in your community should not be underestimated. Professional apartment photographs are standard industry practice, but have you put enough thought into how these images are organized? The easiest way to present your community and rental units is to organize them into unique albums with proper naming conventions. For instance, you can organize albums by unit size, and create an entire album dedicated to your community amenities — gym, conference rooms, entertainment, pet facilities, etc. Another effective album could be dedicated to social gatherings and events so that prospects can get a feel for the overall community atmosphere.
If you are looking to add further depth of visualization you can experiment with Facebook’s 360 Photo tool. No fancy equipment needed. You can use your smartphone to capture 360-degree images of community spaces and amenities that could benefit from further context than just static images. These simple changes take no time at all and can serve as quick wins.
2. Get The Most Out of Facebook Messenger
Messenger is one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world. Even as Facebook might be losing users, Messenger has consistently grown each year since 2018. This is a huge audience that is eager to engage with your property. As is with any chat interface, speed and immediacy are key. Prospects want to engage with the most direct methods of communication and that same principle holds true on social media channels. You can customize your Messenger settings to include automatic greetings, options, and responses. This can help you engage with prospects when they are ready and gets the conversation off on the right start.
*Pro Tip* Knock integrates directly with Messenger so that any time a prospect sends you a message, either directly to your Facebook Page or from your advertisement, their message will show up in your Knock account. No more logging into Facebook to manage messages — easily engage from the same screen you use to text, email, call, and live chat with prospects.
3. Focus Your Lead Ad Content Around Cultural Moments
It comes as no surprise that nearly 40% of all New Year’s Resolutions revolve around losing weight, exercising, and eating healthier. This is a unique opportunity to flaunt your community’s hottest amenities (such as fitness centers and community kitchens) and capitalize on this rare window of unwavering dedication of getting that summer beach bod. This is also the perfect opportunity to get your seasonal rental campaign started — minimizing the time your vacant units are out in the cold. Start seeing immediate results from your freshly approved marketing budget and justify your spend before the new year even starts.
*Pro Tip* Facebook’s superior targeting abilities have made it a critical marketing channel for multifamily, and Lead Ads have become increasingly popular because of their ability to allow prospects to complete a contact form from within the ad unit. We have made it easy to take full advantage of this feature by integrating your Facebook Pages with Knock — which automatically populates all Lead Ad submissions within Knock. No more email parsing, or having to download and import data from Facebook.
4. Link Online Scheduling to Your Facebook Page Button
The Page Button feature is the fast-lane for your hottest leads to any landing page or call-to-action you are hoping to promote. This button lives on the top right of your Facebook Page and is more readily accessible than even your website URL in your About section. It can be customized a number of ways, but we suggest taking full advantage of the “Book Now” feature so leads can easily convert to tours.
*Pro Tip* Simply customize the button to follow a link to your Knock hosted Community Page and easily allow prospects to Self-Schedule their tour. This is a simple edit that takes no time at all and can effectively drive qualified leads through your doors faster. Check out how Publix Seattle is taking full advantage of their Community Page.
5. Get Your Review Cred Up!
We all know that reviews are a critical source of information for prospects. In fact, 79% of people say that they trust online reviews and ratings. Facebook reviews are no exception. If your community’s reviews are low, that could perpetuate a negatively skewed view of your property and ultimately discourage potential renters from further inquiry. Fear not, for there is an easy way to up your review volume and encourage higher ratings — tenant review program.
Reviews from current tenants are the most powerful testimonials that you can provide to prospects, as it paints a real-time image of how the community is at this very moment. Simply ask your existing residents to go to your Facebook Page and leave positive reviews with details such as time lived in the community, unit type, and their favorite aspect of living at your property. With mandatory time off and vacation hours being used up en masse right now, you can compensate participating residents with a percentage off of their January rent, a cash reimbursement, or 1-month free on upsell amenities like parking or pet fees.
*Pro Tip* Remember, that the best way to contact your entire community or even your entire portfolio is to text residents directly from your Knock dashboard — be sure to include the URL of your Facebook Page in the SMS, and with one-click from their mobile, the FB App will allow residents to review your property and claim their referral gift.
With these 5 quick and easy Facebook edits, you can strengthen your social media presence and begin capturing more leads. If you are interested in any of Knock’s Facebook Integration features discussed above, be sure to request your demo of our Award-Winning CRM, today!